Summit App Terms of Use

Kindness is Key!

All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited in all parts of the app both public(community) and private (peer-to-peer messages.)

No Advertising or Soliciting

Only our exhibitors and sponsors are allowed to post advertising of their products or services via the community, photos, or other areas of the app. Please be aware that any advertisement posted by a non-exhibitor/sponsor will be deleted without notice.

This includes workshops, trainings, products, and consultation services regardless if there is no cost.


Attendees are not allowed to post meetup events that take place during summit scheduled programming or events. Attendees are not allowed to utilize EMDRIA Summit meeting rooms for any meetups.

Individual-Use Documentation

All session materials are restricted for the use of session attendees. Attendees may not distribute session materials.

Respect Patient Privacy

Posting any patient personal health information or images without appropriate permissions is prohibited. This includes all client information presented in summit sessions.

Privacy Policy

Content within this summit may contain client session video and audio recordings for educational purposes. In order to protect the rights and privacy of the clients featured, attendees are strictly prohibited from recording or broadcasting audio or video of any part of the sessions from the EMDRIA Summit. No person shall transfer or cause to be transferred any sounds or video recorded on any device. Not respecting this agreement can be punished to the full extent of the law and licensing boards.


Please note that not adhering to the above rules may result in your ability to post in the summit app. EMDRIA reserves the right to remove anything posted within the app.

If you have any questions about the above or have a concern with something in the app, please contact for further assistance.